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Mission and Aspirations


Who We Are

We believe that thoughtful interaction with the soil is fundamental to producing great food. Our mission is to grow quality, nutritious products, while engaging with the community of Stockton.


We promote socially responsible and sustainable farming, which includes paying our employees a fair wage and donating part of our produce to food pantries throughout the region.

We begin with the basic idea: we should enjoy life and we should enjoy a healthy lifestyle like a connoisseur enjoys a great bottle of wine.

We started with this seed of an idea and are committed to providing you with produce that will enhance your dining experiences and your health, and link you to the land.

We bought land, we bought seeds and now we are bringing people to enjoy the great variety of tastes that vegetables and produce can give us.

Just like one pairs wines, shouldn’t one also pair vegetables with the dishes that are right?  Are onions just onions? One who really enjoys them knows the varieties of flavors.  Is a young Cornish Hen the best for every dish, or should you enjoy the rich flavor of an older Bresse chicken for a rich (and at the same time healthy) Coq Au Vin.

The best dishes are paired with the right wines—shouldn’t you cook and eat and enjoy the variety that will give you the opportunity to enjoy organic produce at the highest level?


The team at Grand Cru Farm approaches the cultivation of vegetables and other products with the same discipline that a vineyard looking to produce the highest quality wines would.

We can grow a variety of vegetables that can enhance any cooking experience.

We expect our produce to satisfy consumers with the highest standards of taste and quality.

We are constantly working to increase the nutrient and flavor content of our produce, and expect our consumers to taste the difference between Grand Cru Farm and others.


Our process is regenerative, incorporating low-tillage, high quality compost, and cover cropping to help create and retain fertile, biologically active soils, which we believe will allow us to have the best produce.

Our livestock are fed organic grains and regularly rotated to fresh pasture, allowing them to live a happy and healthy life.


Please come join us—we want you to enjoy the experience that we all are creating…

Follow us on Instagram and participate in telling us what varieties you would like to see on your plate and would like to have available.  




We Began With

We began our farm to expand a healthy lifestyle and create an oasis for people focused on
healthy living—which we believe begins with great tasting produce! We started the farm based
on years of experience from those involved in 2022, and will expect to continue a standard of
focused improvement of our soil, nutrients and flavors.

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